Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thoughts keep going...

Long story short, I keep forgetting I have this thing. I guess I'm a pretty bad "blogger"... 
No worries though I'll definitely start keeping more note of whats going on these days. 

               So it's late at night and I should be writing that analysis essay but, of course, I'm on the internet. Which strikes a story about this article from the New York Times I read about how the youth spend more time socializing rather than reading and writing, Causes: Traditional values being thrown out the window, Schooling systems' failure to emphasize the importance of reading and writing. I guess and I'm a spitting image of the picture their painting. (Sad face). lol.  I think this is really important subject though, that should be dealt with a great concern. I myself went to a public school and rather than putting energy into reading and writing, all I did was party and socialize. Why is it that kids nowadays are spending time partying and using technology then reading a damn book?! I guess its just ironic to me because now I read so much more, and quite frankly, I enjoy it very much. It's pretty cool how that switch can just turn on for you. Random thoughts', I know.

Too much has happened to talk about since the last time I "blogged" (I'll stop doing that..)
So I guess I'll end with saying, "I'll write more thoughts down" 

...and lets see if it happens. 

and here's a reminder that you need a new friggin' camera! bahaha