Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dear ...Will.I'mNOT

So I'm supposed to be researching for my Anthropology Project on Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis, or otherwise known as P.G.D., buuut I had a thought the other day that ran through my head that needs to be documented.

Are the Black Eyed Peas part of some huge joke, that when they hear people "tweeting" about & singing their songs, they laugh because they too, know that they're music is LAME. C'mon, they used to bring the hits- such as "Pump it" & "Where is the Love". Now they're obviously just finding little loop holes to stay in the music industry. Has anyone ever really listened to their 2 most recent albums? They contain decent beats, with horrible lyrics, and to top it all off even worse singing. The saddest song is "The Best One Yet". Lyrics that make me want to laugh at how stupid the music industry has gotten. "This moment is a moment I'll appreciate...Today is a day that...I will Remember..." ? Really Will. "I'm. NOT? I used to think you were cool. Some notes:

1. That doesn't even Rhyme
2. Fergie and Yourself couldn't sound any more robotized (like you didn't sing), Anyone can talk into a microphone.
3. What happened to the lyrics with some depth, and purpose.
4. I've noticed when you perform these songs, they bring the inner stripper out of you (dead eyes and lousy performances)

Not to sound harsh or anything... but just bring it harder or do something else with your life.

T.G.U : 1) I obviously think that Black Eyed Peas have lost something - talent or should I dare say it, their souls?? I think that's a T.T.S.G.U .... (thought that should go unheard.) But I'll let somebody else be the judge of that.

P.S. Everyone's got they're bad days :(

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