Monday, May 16, 2011

Late Night Epiphanies

Alright, lets get down to the Nitty gritty, right off the bat, BOOM: Is it bad that I'm starting to think that Twitter is actually cool? I mean me of all people would be the first to call somebody out and tell them they were failing at life for even mentioning twitter, let alone having one. Today however, the "Twitter Gods" had shot me with an wind of acceptance of this thing I once thought of as fowl, and as useless as any other social networking sites. As I scrolled through more and more recommended Twitterons I realized that twitter is a great source for news, thoughts, and a quick way to get a laugh. I mean everyone has an opinion nowadays (which me starting this blog can serve as proof of that statement) and Twitter is a great way to find a current event happening in the world and Tweet your opinions on it, in 140 words or less of course. It almost plays hand in hand with a blog in the sense. Hmm I don't know, I guess I'm just really over Facebook.

 Another thought, I don't think its cool how elementary and secondary schools don't possess proper water for the children instead of having them drink unhealthy juices with lots of sugar. UH HELLO?! There is a reason why 3 out of the 5 children I see in my neighborhood are obese. Schools should really be implementing a water program to teach kids that water is THE best choice for a drink, over sodas. Some schools aren't even letting kids bring their own damn lunches to school! That is absolutely outrageous! I would probably feel like I'm getting punked. Seriously? What are those schools trying to do? Leave a void of lunch fees that the parents are going to deal with? and another thing, the foods that they have in school cafeterias are nastier then two day old leftovers from Denny's, they're disgusting. I don't even have a child, and the thought of having my kid resort to eating cafeteria food ALL week is appalling. Why does capitalism result in an obese population suffering from diabetes?? okay, okay, I'm partially so passionate I guess because I too, fell into all the wonderful foods America had to offer. I'm coming from a boy that considered McDonald's Big Mac a good friend while growing up, and jumped in excitement over Chile cheese french fries and  Chicken Strips. But the other part of me is so passionate is because food is amazing. There's no reason for our nation to be eating this run down, processed waste.

T.G.U. For Tonight : (1) Twitter is cool now? lol!  (2) America's Diet for the young are Fattening, so I think it would be fair if the young had a choice whether or not they want to look like this boy.

-Here's Me when I was younger... BAHAHAHAHAHA! NOT! but proof as to why obesity should gain some concern.

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